16 January 2008

Obama. The Un-Hillary. It's a Good Thing!

As I mentioned in a previous post, The Clinton campaign's tactics in NH were of the Karl Rove variety. This article in the Washington Post examines just how dirty they were, and speaks to the possible backlash - Democrats unwilling to support Hillary, should she win the Party's nomination. Apparently Hillary is running the risk of permanently ruining her chances in the general election based on her actions in the primary. The article is frank and unflattering. The comments that follow are full of infuriated people.

If Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic nomination, we're likely to have another Republican President. In polls being conducted now, Obama wins in a head to head with all the major Republican candidates. Hillary loses. A national poll released today shows that Obama is picking up momentum amongst Dems across the nation, narrowing a 10% gap to 1%, which falls well within the polls 4.7% plus or minus. Hillary Clinton is a polarizing figure in American politics. For some wrong reasons, and for some right ones. There are those who "just don't like her," or are anti-woman, etc. And there are many of us who have scrutinized her record, her character and her words and find a candidate who doesn't meet our standards for the nomination of President of the United States. And Hillary herself is providing all kinds of examples of terrible behavior on her part in this election, to further polarize her from the American electorate. Hillary might be the only figure reviled enough in the Democratic party to actually lose to a Republican after the nation suffered through 8 years of the worst President we've ever had. Ugh.

Come on Nevada and South Carolina - stand up for Change! And let's hope the uncovering of the dirty tactics in NH, and this ridiculous race baiting crap this week, will lead to some curbed behavior in the Clinton campaign. If you can't campaign and win legitimately in the primary... Don't run! Although, it seemed to work pretty well for George W. Bush. I guess Hillary is using the same "strategery."

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